Prizes in medical congresses
1. Second Prize in the Annual Examination of the Surgical Society of North Greece, 1997( A book). Then I was in the 1st year of residency in General Surgery.
2. FiRST PRIZE FOR THE STUDY TITLED «The importance of CEA –Scan Radioimmunoscintigraphy in the diagnosis of recurrent colorectal cancer», 1999 in the International Congress of Nuclear Medicine.
3. FIRST PRIZE for the study " Expected and real social cost of health in laparoscopic cholecystectomy", in the Panhellenic Congress of Laparoscopic Surgery, 2005,Ioannina.
4. The study CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION IN GREECE: PREFERABLY VIA INTERNET, was selected for publication in the journal TECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH CARE, as was icluded in the best abstracts of the Wolrd Congress for Internet in Medicine,2005, Prague.
5. The study THE EVALUATION OF INTERNET AS A TOOL FOR EVIDENCE BASED MEDICAL RESEARCH was selected for publication in the journal TECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH CARE, as was icluded in the best abstracts of the Wolrd Congress for Internet in Medicine,2005, Prague.
6. The abstract CONTINUOUS MEDICAL EDUCATION FOR SURGEONS IN NEW TECHNOLOGIES, submitted to the congress European Congress in General Surgery, 2006 was selected to be presented in a round table with Alfred Cushieri as CHAIR, titled THE FUTURE OF SURGERY.
7. The abstract DETERMINING THE BARRIERS FOR SURGICAL RESEARCH IN GREEK HOSPITAL,submitted to the congress European Congress in General Surgery, 2006 was selected to be presented in a round table with Alfred Cushieri as CHAIR, titled THE FUTURE OF SURGERY.
8. The abstract "CANCER EDUCATION FOR CAREGIVERS – AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH», submitted in the congress " Saving lives in cancer", which will be held in Brussels, 20-21 November 2006, was suitable to be presented in the session with the 5 best abstracts.
9.The abstract "SIMULATION MODELS IN DIGESTIVE SURGERY", was accepted to be presented in the session for the Grassi Prize, in the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF DIGESTIVE SURGERY, in Rome, 29/11-2/12/2006.
10. In the International Congress for the Adolescents'Health, 2 studies were selected as suitable ( only 50 studies were accepted in total).
11.In the European Congress of General Practice and Research ( ΕGPRN), 2 studies were selected as suitable for oral presentations ( only 50 studies were accepted in total).
12. The abstract TEAMWORK IN DEALING WITH CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS was selected as suitable to be presented as oral presentation in the session of selected abstracts-all the abstracts submitted in the congress were presented as posters ( December,2005, Hellenic Congress of Intensive Care Medicine).
13. The results of the study " Diet habits of the students of Thrace" were presented in the newspaper Eleftherotypia, one day after the presentation in the Hellenic Congress for the Promotion of Health,2005.
Why is a prize important?
The criteria for selecting you for a prize vary. It has happened to me 3 times to take a prize for an abstract that was rejected in an other congress...